Friday, October 2, 2015

The Effect of Islamic Extremists on Our Society

     Yesterday's terrible and senseless tragedy in Oregon is, unfortunately, another example of the effect of Islamic Extremists philosophy on people everywhere, especially those who are mentally imbalanced.  The police officials investigating the tragedy are reluctant to say anything that would connect the latest horrific act with Islamic Extremists, Political Correctness prevents them from saying what is obvious.  However, it is hard to ignore the Islamic Extremists connection.
     Yes the man was disturbed, mentally sick!  How else could someone carry out such an act?  But according to multiple witnesses, he asked each victim if they were Christian, and if they answered in the positive, he shot them.  Now, would an extremist Buddhist, Hindu or Jew do that?  Not likely, although I suppose anything is possible.  What this disturbed man did was exactly what you would expect for an ISIS/Taliban/Al Qaeda follower to do, blind hatred for Christians.  He could have been a Muslim and a self proclaimed ISIS follower.  Who knows, we won't know until further investigation will reveal more about him.
     However, more than likely he was not even a Muslim, although he could have been a recent convert.  He was probably just a disturbed individual who was mentally and emotionally on the fringe of our mainstream society.  He was no doubt familiar with ISIS and other Islamic Extremists philosophies or beliefs, even if he may not have been a follower of their web site.  There's enough daily coverage in the news about ISIS and other Islamic Extremists that no doubt he had at least the superficial knowledge of what they stand for.....namely death to Christians and Western Society.  Since he felt "outside" of our society, the ISIS philosophy would naturally appeal to him.
     Sadly, with the upsurge of Islamic Extremists worldwide, more and more disturbed individuals outside of the Islamic world identify with ISIS and other such groups.  It is not surprising that ISIS gets so many volunteers from non-Islamic countries!  America is not the only country, the only society that has developed a generation of disaffected, yet entitled young people, who feel that the world "owes" them something.  At the same time, the advanced technological age with instant communication and multitude of other previously unavailable sources of entertainment, contact, information, etc., have desensitized the younger generation to realities of life.  Even going back to the earlier tragedy in Columbine, the teenaged killers were carrying out their murderous plan as if it was some sort of a video game that they played.  They dressed in black trench coats and behaved like they were video game characters!
     Our modern technological society is as much to blame for producing such disturbed individuals as are parents who fail to provide proper guidance, control, and discipline to their children.  Yes, discipline, a word that today is considered "bad," like some sort of a curse word! If a parent disciplines their child by raising their hand, i.e., spanking, better hope no outsider sees it and reports it to the police.  That parent will more than likely face child abuse charges!  Yes, there are real cases of child abuse.  But disciplining ones child by spanking does not, in the eyes of many, constitute child abuse.  However, there are enough "politically correct" people around who consider spanking as child abuse.  That is the world we now live in!
     Ironically, all of the new technological developments, which are supposed to make our lives easier, also encourages some people to "disconnect."  Text messaging allows kids to communicate with each other without physically facing each other.  In fact, text messaging allows them to keep further distance by eliminating any facsimile of physical contact, such a telephone conversation.  Everything becomes so distant, impersonal.  You know that the kids would not say some things verbally, in a phone conversation, or especially face to face, that they do in text messaging.  So, our advanced society is as much at fault in creating a generation or generations of "disconnected" individuals.  If these same people happen to be mentally disturbed, mentally ill....then watch out!
     President Obama made a statement expressing his concern over the latest tragedy. He  said that he hopes that the law makers will now do something about more gun control to stop these incidents from happening again. What essentially takes place each time a tragedy involving guns takes place, gun control advocates push their agenda which is ultimately to forbid private ownership of guns in America.  How naïve to think that mere passage of laws forbidding private ownership will stop all gun violence.  UK has one of the most strict gun laws in the world.  The British Isles occupy a small land mass with a fraction of population that we have.  In urban areas, there are CCTV cameras everywhere.  The Big Brother is truly watching and is everywhere!  Yet, violent gun crime is widespread and on an upswing with illegal gun trade booming!  In America, a huge place compared to the British Isles, and with a huge population, it would be laughable to think that any sort of control could be established, even with Martial Law, to control illegal gun trafficking.  Look how well we are controlling the drug traffic!
     It isn't guns that kill, it is people such as the disturbed individual in Oregon.  A gun is but an instrument, an inanimate object!  Cars kill more people in America more than anything else!  Should we make cars illegal?  Murderers will always find instruments to use for their evil acts, be it a gun, a knife, or even just a rock!  In Japan, knives with blades longer than two inches are illegal to carry!  Longer blades are allowed only in the kitchens of restaurants and homes.  The traditional Japanese swords owned by collectors and enthusiasts must be licensed.  Handguns are illegal, no private ownership whatsoever.  Well, traditionally Japan was never into guns so vast majority of murders have always been committed with knives.  Despite strict "knife laws," knives are the most popular weapons for murder in Japan.  Yakuza, by the way, have been prospering in illegal handgun trade!
     What we need is more attention paid to our mental health care system.  If Obama wants to curb gun violence, instead of creating more laws which seem to never work, more effort should be put into mental health care system.  People who need help should be identified quickly and provided mental health care.  It should be as easy to receive as going to get your flu shot.  It shouldn't be a complicated and an expensive process that discourages and stops people from seeking help.  But providing better mental health care isn't the only solution.  I believe the solution should start at home, with young children who should be provided with proper guidance by their parents, disciplined when required, etc.  Unfortunately, that is probably even harder to accomplish than getting better mental health services.  As far as additional gun laws are concerned, passing more laws will do nothing but provide a platform for politicians to grandstand!  The only way strict gun laws will have an effect is if it is coupled with authoritarian approach by government, by police, like it is in Russia or China.  Yet, gun crime is rampant in Russia, and in China most criminals can't afford guns!  But they are getting there, getting richer so they can afford guns despite strict laws and the police state!

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