Friday, February 20, 2015

Our War Against "Extremists"

     Sometimes political correctness can take things to the point of ridiculousness. Take for example the latest attempt by our leadership in Washington to tip-toe around the issue of Islamic Extremism by declaring that we are at war with "extremists," and not Islamic Extremists!  Are we so afraid to anger Muslims that we can't mention Islam?  What are all those violent, "extremists" that are so set on destroying us and anyone else connected with non-Islamic faith?  The various groups, be it ISIS, Al Qaeda, Abbu Sayyef, or any one of those "extremists" groups, all proclaim to murder and do what they do in the name of Islam.  They may be twisted, incorrect in their interpretation of the Islamic faith, but they are never the less (at least in their minds) followers of Islamic faith.  So,  let's stop this nonsense of soft shoeing around and call them what they are, Islamic Terrorists or Islamic Extremists!
     Europe has for a long time bent over backwards to be PC and cater to their new Muslim immigrant population and constantly accused us of being too strict in our laws and handling of our problems along the southern border. France, which has a total population of a little over 66 million, has around 2.5 million Muslims.  The port city of Marseille with a population of a bit over 850,000 is 40% Muslim.  It is also described as the most dangerous city in France!  The small and very liberal country of Denmark has a total population of 5.6 million, less than the population of the State of Arizona!  Denmark's  270,000 plus or so Muslim population is about 5% of nation's total!  Guess where the latest problems with "extremists" occurred in Europe?  So now, after years of PC approach to problems with their Muslim population, they are paying for it!  They are also beginning to react more harshly, in a way that they used to accuse us of doing!
     Our Muslim population is about the same as that of France, 2.5 million, although I have read claims by some that the figure reaches into 10 million!  Our total population is 319 million, so the Muslim presence is not as great as it is in Europe.  However, we do have some areas, some cities that have a much larger concentration of Muslims.  New York has about 70,000 Muslims, followed by Dearborn, Michigan at 30,000 and Los Angeles at 25,000.  However, Dearborn's total population is 95,000, so the Muslim population in that city makes up 1/3 of the  total! 
     America's first exposure to Islam in large numbers came about when slaves from West Africa were brought to these shores.  Many of the slaves were of Islamic faith.  However, Islam was discouraged by the slave owners and most of the slaves converted to Christianity.  Islam survived in very small numbers until much later the Black Muslim movement increased the numbers.  So, Islam is not something that is new to this country.
     The world's most populous Islamic country is not in the Middle East but in Southeast Asia, it is Indonesia with its 1.57 billion souls who practice Islam.  Malaysia, being a neighbor of Indonesia, also has a significant Islamic population of about 30 million.  Philippines which most think as a Christian nation has a large Islamic population of around 5 million that feels oppressed and has spawned some "extremists" such as Abbu Sayyaf.  Such a large population of Muslims in that part of the world makes me feel nervous.  However, whether it is cultural or (some even claim it has to do with climate!) otherwise, Muslims in Asia appear to be much more moderate and not quite so given to violent activity as in the Middle East, although there are groups such as Abbu Sayyaf.  Thankfully, there has not been any sign of ISIS in that part of the world yet.  Abbu Sayyaf is violent enough, but it does not partake in such barbaric acts as beheading of its prisoners as ISIS, although latest intelligence indicate that there might be a link between Abbu Sayyaf and ISIS!
     Unfortunately, I believe we are in for a long, long fight against Islamic Extremism.  Washington's earlier announcement that our military will be further reduced, to below post World War Two level, was not only untimely but foolish.  It is about as stupid as the most recent announcement that we will be launching a counter offensive against ISIS in April with increased Iraqi forces and Kurds from the north.  We even identified the number of Iraqi brigades that will be used.  I wonder if it is all tied-in with the idea of "transparancy" and Washington feels we need to give fair warning to our enemy!  Think about it!  It would be the same if we announced in April of 1944 that the D-Day Invasion would take place on June 6!  It must be a new military strategy that we are employing in concert with our use of the term "extremists" rather than Islamic Extremists.  If this is a "strategy" that has been lacking so far, then it is indeed a very strange one that I fail to understand. 

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