Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Questions of "Illegals" and "Dreamers"

     I have blogged on the subject of illegals several times, including the last blog in which I mentioned the faulty numbers that are offered up by our government.  The reason for the skewed numbers is obvious, the lower the number, the less the government will appear as ineffectual in controlling the flow of illegals into our country.  The fact remains that because of lack of manpower (Border Patrol) and proper physical barriers (fencing), the flow of illegals remains almost uncontrolled, as it has been for many years!  But our government, represented by ICE, the supposed "new" agency that combines all of the other agencies (former INS, Customs, Border Patrol, etc.) under the umbrella of Homeland Security, periodically releases data on illegals, telling us that the numbers have dropped, etc.  It may very well be that the numbers are not as great as before, after all, those numbers are based on those apprehended, and a wild (scientific!) guess as to how many were not apprehended!  So, if ICE reports that the number of illegals this quarter or this year is down from before, they are actually saying that they apprehended fewer illegals than before!
     How did our government come up with the figure of 11 to 12 million illegal aliens in this country?  Surely the illegals didn't raise their hands and say, I am illegal, count me!  The figures, believe it or not, come from the national census bureau.  It is based on figures gathered by census takers and an extrapolation (some sort of black magic) by PEW Research Center that produces these figures.  I may be wrong, but it seems to me that it is highly unlikely that an illegal alien will identify themselves to a census taker who comes knocking at the front door.  What the government is telling us to believe is essentially this:  A census taker comes to a house and asks at the front door how many people reside in that dwelling. We are asked to believe that the person at the front door tells the census taker that there are illegals residing in that house.  How else does the census taker come away with figures of illegals in our country?
     Anyone who has driven by Home Depot or Lowes in the morning has seen large numbers of illegals gathered at the entry or exits seeking day work from contractors who frequent these places.  The illegals are quite brazen and open, so perhaps the census takers talk to these people!  But then, they still miss out on all of those who are not openly soliciting work.  That is why I am saying that the numbers given by our government are way off!  We have a huge illegal alien population in this country.  If an accurate figure can be reached, and added to our count of Hispanic population, then the Hispanics would be the largest minority by a huge margin, not the small margin presently given in official numbers.  A true count of illegal alien population would reveal that it is larger than the entire Asian population in this country, which is less than 5% of entire population!
     It is a small wonder then that there is a sizable "dreamers" population in America.  The "dreamers" are, of course, those who were brought over to this country by their illegal alien parents and have grown up in America.  They are truly in a tragic circumstance, an almost no win situation.  Many of them have "Americanized," gone to elementary and high school in this country, some have even gone on to college.  The media is fond of singling out those who are either attending or have graduated from colleges.  This, obviously, brings out the sympathy card.  How can we possibly even contemplate deporting these young people who are as American as someone born here!  Additionally, with a college education, these young people are an asset to our society.  How can we possibly even think of deporting them?  There is truth in that sentiment.  But, the fact remains that they entered this country illegally (although they may have been minors) and have received free education and health benefits on tax payers' dime.  Those that went on to college and received scholarships essentially took space in college and used scholarship funds that could have gone to a deserving legal resident or citizen of the United States!  To me, that is not right.  Yes, I know, there are some schools and organizations that have special scholarship programs for illegals!  I find that somewhat strange.  But, be that as it may, there has to be a way to deal with the situation.
     The proponents of finding a path to citizenship for illegal aliens toss around all sorts of ideas, but no one seems to be able to come up with anything truly workable.  This is often referred to as an "immigration reform," but in reality it is not.  It is simply looking for a solution to our illegal alien situation, not the entire immigration problem!  It seems to me that the problem with "dreamers" can be solved much easier than with the rest of the illegal alien community.  Why not offer the "dreamers" an option of either joining the military service or some sort of national service like the old conservation corps or the more recent Vista.  Peace Corps could be an option as well.  We have had a policy in the books since World War Two, that if you are an alien and serve honorably in the military for three years, you are eligible for naturalization at the end of your three years.  If that service is in combat, then only two years are required.  We could make that requirement extend to non-military service such as Vista and Peace Corps.  In other words, make the "dreamers" earn their right for a legal path to citizenship, don't just give them citizenship because they were "brought" here and had no choice!
     Unfortunately, in this society of ours,  a society that is made up of couple of generations of young people who are "entitled," any sort of a requirement would be seen as unfair, unnecessary.  All sorts of accusations will be made, everything from simple racism to more subtle forms of discrimination, etc.  Keep in mind that today kids receive participation trophies or certificates even if their team loses!  We have no losers anymore!  Everyone is terrific, everyone is a winner!  How then, in such a climate, can we possibly single out some young people and make them do something to "earn" their citizenship!  They have earned the right to be U.S. citizens by just being here, that will be the sentiment!  So, mark my word.  When and if our government will come up with some sort of a solution, a path to citizenship for "dreamers" or for that matter any illegal alien, it will be nothing but pro forma, nothing of significance or of true substance, although we will be told that it will be the greatest immigration reform since the 1965 Act....as great as the U.S.-Iran Nuclear Agreement!

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