Monday, June 19, 2017

Double Standard

     As readers of my blog may have noted, I have refrained from writing about the current political situation in America.  Earlier, after Trump was elected and anti-Trump factions launched their campaign to discredit and smear Trump, on anything and everything, I said that we should wait and see how his tenure pans out before criticizing his decisions and his administration.  However, the anti-Trump campaign has gone on unabated.  There is, of course, room for criticism of any administration, and Trump's administration is no exception.  There have been many cases and instances where I felt Trump and his administration deserved criticism.  But what has been going on so far is unprecedented, vicious attacks that definitely show a strong double standard.  For the very same gaffs or missteps, Obama and Clinton were never criticized.
     Always, in the past, if a President had committed some major gaff, after some initial criticism, it was more or less quietly swept aside with the explanation that it was for the good of the nation, that it would not be good for America to create a big mess, etc.  The one exception was Nixon who was forced to resign after the Watergate incident.  Still, Gerald Ford pardoned him, saying it was best for the nation to start healing!  But such is not the case with Trump.  The media in particular has been especially vicious in attacking Trump, taking their "gloves off," so to speak, and piling-on.  It was always taboo for the media or anyone else to pick on the President's family, the children in particular.  Yet, there have been some vicious attacks aimed at Trump's youngest child, and everyone seems to just accept it.  Do you recall such attacks aimed at Obama's daughters?  At Chelsea Clinton?  Why is there a double standard?  Why is it OK to pick on Trump's boy but it was taboo to do so against Obama's or Clinton's kids?
     The Russian attempt to mess with our elections is a serious thing, and had they succeeded in anyway to interfere with our process, it would have been a very grave situation.  But it is apparent that they did not succeed and the whole thing is over at this point.  Yet, we are continuing on with the investigation, taking a different route, and have brought in a special prosecutor, former FBI Director, Robert Mueller.  Mueller is charged with trying to uncover any possible ties that Trump and some of his administration members may have with Russia.  This, in my opinion, is "Joe McCarthyism, the Commie Hunt of 1950s" all over again!  That exercise proved to be not only wasteful, but McCarthy was proven to be a self promoting phony who looked for commies under every bed!  I am not suggesting that Mueller is a phony, but I believe that the whole investigation could have been conducted with much less fanfare and money!  Mueller so far has hired more than a dozen high powered lawyers.  Do you think they are working for free?  Who do you think is paying for all those lawyers and their very expensive fees?
     Ironically, I believe it is the liberal left that is looking for Trump and some of his staff's "ties with Russia" in this very expensive and time consuming investigation.  I do not believe that Trump or anyone else has any so-called "ties" with Russia.  There may have been meetings and discussions, such as what happened to the short-lived National Security Advisor.  But actual ties, I don't think so.  I would be very surprised if there were ties.  However, why doesn't anyone look into Clinton Foundations financial records?  Russian money is definitely involved.  But of course no one is even suggesting looking into the financial records of possibly the most corrupt political couple in our history Bill and Hillary Clinton!
     I am truly puzzled as to why the people who elected Trump are keeping quiet while those who supported Hillary and Bernie are lashing out in every way possible to discredit Trump.  Why isn't there a move to discredit Hillary or some of the others who are now involved in this hatred and revenge campaign?  It seems that those who are bound and determined to bring down Trump are really not concerned about this nation.  Much of this hatred that is directed at Trump is of personal nature.  Just look at the political cartoons that constantly appear with insulting caricatures of Trump.  Had such caricatures appeared on Obama, there would have been such an outcry of "racism" that the offending publication and the artist would have had to offer a public apology.  It has become a very personal vendetta, and it has even trickled down to affect other areas of our society.  Just look at what has been going on about the removal of Confederate monuments!  Those statues of Confederate soldiers is a reminder of our past, our history.  Removing them is exactly the same as what the Taliban was doing with those ancient statues and structures when they were destroying them!
     It is one thing to bring down the statue of a hated dictator like Stalin or Saddam Hussein, but a statue of Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson?  If removing these statues is for the purpose of removing reminders of a painful past, then we should simply remove anything to do with the Civil War and the slave era in the South.  We should burn all books and material that remind us of that "painful past"! What has happened in our society is that the few now dictate what they want and the majority is just keeping mum.  I realize that the world has changed, that people have changed with time.  But that doesn't mean that the change is for better.  Just because it is new and now "acceptable", it doesn't mean it is better. 
     Europe, including UK, is now paying for its liberalism, for allowing minorities to become the majority!  I won't go into details, but I think most people know what I am talking about.  America, it seems, is not far behind, and we are doing it now to our own detriment.  This Russian "witch hunt" and the hatred campaign against Trump isn't just going to harm Trump and his administration, it is going to harm our entire country.  Trump and some of his administration members may indeed be guilty of "ties with Russia."  But these aren't "ties" that will bring down this country.  Throughout history there were always "ties" among members of opposing governments involved in an ideological, economic, or actual war.  But that was never what caused the downfall of that particular state.  If majority of Americans continue to just sit by and watch the minority continue to make demands and changes, America as we know it will no longer exist.

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