Thursday, January 5, 2017

Russian "Hacking" of Elections

     I have been watching the Senate hearings on Russian "hacking" earlier on CNN.  Although CNN is openly anti Trump and known to lean left, they could not very well control what was being said by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the Director of National Security Agency (DNSA).  What was abundantly clear and repeated by DNI James Clapper was that the so-called Russian "hacking" had not in anyway affected the outcome of the elections!  He kept referring to Russian "hacking" as a "passive" activity and that it was not espionage!  What he did say was that when the report was completed, it would show Russia's "motivation."  I am not too sure what he meant by "motivation" in this case.  I have no doubt that if they could, Russia would do something to weaken our position to elevate their own standing in the world.  However, if I am to believe what the DNI and DNSA said in the hearings, the Russians did not succeed and had no affect on the outcome of the elections.  It would indeed be difficult, in my opinion, to sway the elections as claimed by some, through "passive" activity!  I think we should do all we can to prevent incursions by Russians, or anyone else for that matter, into our cyber space! But in view of what the DNI said about Russian "hacking,"  the expulsion of 35 Russian officials and possible imposition of other sanctions is truly an overkill, an overreaction, and makes us appear petty and silly.
     As expected, the Senators from both parties spent more time grandstanding than getting anything really accomplished.  In particular, Hillary Clinton's ex-running mate spent considerable time talking about the 1972 and 74 "break-ins" at the Democratic Party headquarters, I suppose trying to compare Russian "hacking" with what took place over 40 years ago!  He didn't make much sense, but then he didn't make much sense when he was a Vice Presidential candidate!  To be fair, no one really asked interesting questions except for Senator Cruz, who asked the DNI about the identity of major hackers of our military and government computer systems.  Not surprisingly, Russia and China were at the top of the list, followed by, yes, you guessed it, Iran and Cuba.  Iran and Cuba, two countries that became our "friends" recently, although Iran is still calling us the "Great Satan!"  I guess we haven't given them enough money yet for them to stop calling us names.  I would have thought that North Korea would have made the top four, but I guess not.  According to the DNSA who happens to be also our Director for Cyber Security, there are also European countries, our friends, who are hacking into our systems.  Coincidentally, Russia owns several TV stations in Western European countries and is able to broadcast its propaganda without having to "hack" into their computer systems!
     I don't know if most Americans are aware or not, but more than likely the next President of France will be someone who has been openly funded by the Russians!  It is a given that in the French elections of April 2017, Francois Fillon will come out a winner.  Fillon, incidentally, is a far right candidate, very anti Muslim immigration!  Interestingly, the socialist or leftist candidates, including the incumbent President Hollande, were not supported by the Russians.  Fillon believes that Assad should be ousted and that ISIS should be the main target in Syria.  So, if you're looking for a "Manchurian Candidate," Francois Fillon would fit the bill, sort of.  It is predicted that once Fillon takes office, the European part of sanctions against Russia for its misbehavior in Ukraine will cease, and more than likely, the other participants in the sanctions will not complain!  This means that for all practical purposes, we will be the only country still involved in sanctions against Russia.  Of course if Obama imposes additional sanctions as his parting shot for the so-called "hacking," we will be the only one with heavy sanctions against Russia on two counts, Ukraine and cyber attacks!  The latest sanctions appear to be motivated mainly by personal animosity and dislike, sort of "sticking it" to Putin before leaving office! 
     The U.S. should not let Russia just slide if their so-called "hacking" was so massive (and still going on, according to DNSA) although according to DNI, their hacking had not affected the elections which it supposedly targeted.  The proper response for us should have been to respond in kind, a massive cyber attack by us, which we are perfectly capable of carrying out, more so than anyone else in the world!  We were able to stop the Iranian nuclear weapons development through cyber attacks, and no doubt have conducted many more such actions to other countries.  We will probably do that anyway!  So the expulsion of Russian officials was nothing but show and tweaking Putin's nose. There really doesn't seem to be a real reason for the massive PNG (persona non grata)act, except as a personal gesture!
     If anybody in America is surprised over Russia's involvement in French elections and the so-called "Manchurian Candidate," need I remind you that we have been doing that sort of thing as "nation building" since the end of World War Two.  In some cases, we were involved in violent removal of a President of a nation that we did not like and replaced them with our choice.  I know, the new leaders were selected through "free" elections, but nevertheless, they were our choices, although some of them ended up "rogue!"  I won't list the names and countries, there are just too many.  So let's not get too riled up over what is happening in France.  Russia is only doing what we have been and are still doing.
     The bottom line, after all the noise and excitement, and anger, over Russian "hacking," it appears that it was more of a "perceived" damage.  It did not affect our elections as some would like to claim, at least not according to our top source in these matters, the DNI.  No doubt when the final report emerges at the end of this week, it will identify Russia's "motivation" behind this "hacking" that has caused minor hysteria in some circles and expenditure of tax payers' money for lengthy hearings and investigations.  I don't mean to make light of what supposedly took place and is still taking place, according to DNI and DNSA.  But it appears that the so-called hacking had no affect on the outcome of elections, and despite what some say, did not unveil a "Manchurian Candidate" in the US. 
     Trump may be a lot of things, and indeed he has shown many faces during this election campaign.  But no, he is not Putin's man as some claim and he is no "Manchurian Candidate."  He may indeed show a friendlier side to Putin, for whatever reason, but I doubt seriously if he will be "taken-in" by Putin and become his lap dog.  Trump may be many things, good and bad, but above all, he is no fool.  He may appear rash and say some unlikely things at times, even putting his foot in his mouth.  But he is, above all a very shrewd individual who has survived in life depending on his native intuitiveness and intelligence.  Let's at least give him a chance to show what he can do.  This attitude that "he is not my president," "I will never support him," is just plain silly and immature.  It is no different than saying that you would move to Canada if he was elected.  Just how many of those luminaries have moved since making that declaration?  Let's not get carried away, let's at least give him a chance.  After all, at least 50% of the nation is behind him!

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