Friday, January 29, 2016

The French snub Iran, the Italians capitulate, and we hold Iftars!

     After giving up so much, paying out so much of tax payers' monies for the Iran Nuclear Deal, we can't even get a penny of it back through commercial deals!  I have been critical of our negotiating abilities and lack of understanding the Middle Eastern and Asian mind-set.  I am sure that readers of my blogs are tired of hearing it, but the latest developments go to prove my point even further!
     Upon getting the windfall from the Nuclear Deal, the first thing that Iran did was to go to Moscow and sign a multi billion dollar deal to purchase the Russian Anti-Missile system.  This was done with the initial influx of cash released by us.  When more funds became available, more weapons were purchased from Russia.  Russia, at this point, was one of the winners (besides Iran who was the biggest winner!) in the Nuclear Deal.  The latest beneficiary is France and the European Union, the other signatories of this so-called Nuclear Deal.  It seems all of the signatories had reason to see the Nuclear Deal go through, their countries benefitted from the deal, all of them except us!
     Iran's President Hassan Rouhani traveled to Europe eager to make some purchases.  Apparently the lifting of sanctions and the latest large influx of funds that we gave up to Iran was burning a hole in his pocket!  What did Rouhani do?  After dangling a teaser before us, saying that Iran was interested in purchasing a fleet of commercial planes for their antiquated airline, he gave the impression that Boeing was one of his choices.  But upon arrival in Rome, he promptly signed a 18 billion dollar contract to purchase 118 Airbuses!  The Airbus is, if you didn't know, a joint venture European Union product, an aircraft that is built specifically to compete with U.S. aircraft industry, namely Boeing! It is primarily a French-German-Italian product.  Then Rouhani traveled to France and signed a contract with Peugeot-Citroen for a deal that will deliver 200,000 cars a year for $436 million over the next five year period!  No Boeing, no GM or Ford, all our money is going to other countries, namely those European countries that were party to the Iran Nuclear Deal!  What a great deal we made!  We gave out and are giving out all this money and getting nothing in return!  Oh yes, we have secured world peace, at least that is what we are being told by our leaders!
     In yesterday's blog I talked about the Shariah Law, the Islamic Law which essentially calls for total domination of the world.  Remember the saying "When in Rome...." i.e., do as the natives, it is good manners for guests to honor the host's customs.  Well, that doesn't apply to Islam.  Whereas non-Muslims would be in big trouble if they did not abide by Muslim customs, the reverse does not apply. At a state dinner in Rome, the Italians did not serve wine and covered up nude statues with large boxes, so that Rouhani would not be subjected to blasphemy!  What a crock!  Wine and those statues are as much a part of Italian culture as their language!  To give in to the demands of the Muslim leader who is a visitor, is unconscionable!  There was much criticism from Italian public for its government's cowardly act.  It is an embarrassment and was called a surrender by some!  Why does the host have to change its tradition and ways for the guest?  It is the guest who should accept the host's ways, but obviously that is not the case with Muslims.  It is an example of Shariah at work, our way or no way!
     In contrast, and to their credit, the French did not give in to Shariah!  The French President Hollande canceled a dinner with Rouhani who demanded a halal menu and no wine at the table.  The French Ambassador to the U.S. explained, "It is not the halal which was a problem, but the wine.  Nobody should constrain anybody to drink or not to drink!"  Good for the French!  Unlike the Italians who so easily gave in to Rouhani and his unreasonable demands, so typical of Muslims, the French stood their ground.  For the French it was an important point.  If they had given in to Rouhani's demands, it would have shown "weakness" in the eyes of the Muslim community.  The French have enough problems with their Muslim community as it is, they don't need to embolden the Muslims any more! Despite Hollande's slight, Iran did not cancel any of its business deals!  At least the French seem to know how to deal with Muslims!
     Our record in dealing with Iran or other Middle Eastern countries has been nothing but miserable.  We don't seem to understand their mind-set at all and are continually giving in to their demands.  Giving in, in their eyes, is a weakness!  So, they see us as a giant patsy!  A giant with a military might that could squash them like a bug, but would never do that because of "weakness."  So, they tweak our nose at every opportunity and squeeze all the money that they can out of us.  They have no respect for us.  Respect in that culture is measured in strength, both physical, namely military power, and none physical, which is commercial, political, and religious.  We have shown weakness in all areas.  Commercially they don't see us at the top any more.  Politically, they have outmaneuvered us at each turn and religiously, Islam has made tremendous gains.  Militarily, although we have shown great power, we never finish what we start and seem to be aimless, directionless in our approach to warfare, so they don't fear us in that regard either.
     The French, to their credit, refused to bend to Islam and chose to cancel dinner with the Iranian President Rouhani.  The Italians, as they have done numerous times in the past, capitulated!  We, on the other hand, bumble our way and give up everything whenever we deal with Muslims.  As for halal dinners, hell, Obama's White House has held several Iftars, post Ramadan dinners!  No leader of non-Islamic country in history has ever held an iftar in the official residence, until Obama!  That would be the same as having a Christmas or Easter Dinner hosted at an Islamic country's leader's residence.  In other words, it would be the same if Rouhani of Iran hosted a Christmas dinner!  Yeah, that would happen when pigs fly!  But Obama hosted an iftar several times, he might do it again after this coming Ramadan!

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